Hello Thorsten,

I need to ponder your email a little bit longer, but here is my initial

Let's start from basic concepts. When we write down an equation in
programming languages, for example,
f(x,0)=x, where x is a variable, we mean that f(x,0) can be reduced to x in
one step and they are definitionally equal to each other. And hence,
dependent types Vector(f(x,0)) and Vector(x) are the same.

Now, let's compare your function with the standard Ackermann function.
> ack 0 0 = 0                                                      ----- (S
> ack 0 (S n) = S(S (ack 0 n))
> ack (S m) 0 = 1
> ack (S m) (S n) = ack m (ack (S m) n)
ack 0 n = S n
ack (S m) 0 = ack m (S 0)
ack (S m) (S n) = ack m (ack (S m) n)

In the standard one, (ack 0 n) is definitionally equal to (S n) where n is
an arbitrary variable, but in yours, they are only extensionally equal to
each other. And hence, dependent types Vector(ack 0 n)and Vector(S n) are
not the same in your case.
Another typical example is the Majority function.

For the last equation, because it is a nested case, I doubt we can define
"ack" by  the eliminator of Nat, which satisfies that (ack (S m) (S n)) can
be reduced to (ack m (ack (S m) n)) in "one" single step. I might be wrong
and like to see how "ack" can be defined by the eliminator.

As I mentioned before, one of the motivations to develop a type theory with
partially defined functions and with pattern matching is that we may be able
to define many functions exactly as they are, or as a mathematician intend
to be. And we don't need to modify them in any way. In my implementation,
the standard Ackermann function can be defined exactly as it is.


Dr. Yong Luo
Computing Laboratory
University of Kent

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thorsten Altenkirch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <epigram@durham.ac.uk>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Epigram] epigram tells me fibs

> Hi Yong,
> >>Is there documentation on exactly what the elimination constants are?
> >>Epigram was happy with an Ackermann function, which surprised me
> >>slightly.
> >>
> >
> >
> > It is also surprising to me. Ackermann function is a nested function and
> > not a primitive recursion. The eliminators in conventional type theories
> > not powerful enough to define such functions directly.
> That's not correct, in the presence of function types it is completely
> straightforward to define the Ackermann function using primitive
> recursion.
> My slightly non-standard definition of ack goes as follows
> ack 0 0 = 0
> ack 0 (S n) = S(S (ack 0 n))
> ack (S m) 0 = 1
> ack (S m) (S n) = ack m (ack (S m) n)
> this is just primitive recursion with functions, that is I define
> ack 0 = dbl
> where
> dbl 0 = 0
> dbl (S n) = S( S (dbl n))
> and
> ack (S m) = ack_f (ack m)
> with
> ack_f : (Nat -> Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
> ack_f ack_m 0 = 1
> ack_f ack_m (S n) = ack_m (ack_f n)
> Hence, I don't need to be clever.
> Btw, the only reason to diverge from the standard def is that I like
> ack 0 = 2*n, ack 1 = 2^n and so on, not something slightly odd.
> Primitive recursion + function types give you all functions provable
> total in Arithmetic, Goedel proved this (that's where System T comes
> from).
> > We must be clever
> > enough to find other functions which are primitive and are
> > equal to Ackermann function. Of course, other function may not have the
> > beauty of the original, and most of programmers would feel very
> > uncomfortable. I don't like the "Ackermann" function defined in Coq. I
> > even like the way we define Fibs in Coq because the programmers are
> > to find another equivalent function. Another similar example is the
> > following.
> >
> > f(0)=0
> > f(1)=1
> > f(n+2)=2*f(n+1)-f(n)+1
> >
> > There are many ways to define this function, but we cannot define it as
> > is.
> > (The cleverest programmers can define f as: f(n)=n*(n+1)/2)
> This program is structurally recursive (and so is fib), which can be
> reduced to primitive recursion in a standard way, which has been
> explored by a number of people, including Conor and Tarmo Uustalu.
> Indeed the reduction is built into Epigram's elaboration (or should
> be, actually for no good reason the final step of reducing
> course-of-value recursion to the elimination constants is currently
> left out).
> > I have developed and implemented a type theory which does not care
whether a
> > function is totally defined. In other words, partially defined functions
> > acceptable. In my implementation, the Ackermann function and the above
> > function can be defined just as they are.
> The examples above do not provide a convincing motivation for such a
> development, since we can reduce them to standard elimnators using
> well known techniques.
> Cheers,
> Thorsten
> -- 
> Dr. Thorsten Altenkirch    phone : (+44) (0)115 84 66516
> Lecturer    http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~txa/
> School of Computer Science & IT    University of Nottingham
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