SRT: The Essence.
One postulate of SRT says: the speed of quantum
of light in a vacuum is a constant ( c=1).
This postulate has no conception of acceleration.
The other postulate says:  every speed, even the
speed of  quantum of light in a vacuum is relative.
It means it has acceleration and this acceleration
is hidden in Lorentz transformations.
It means that quantum of light in a vacuum can have
 two kinds of motions: constant and relative. And the
 SRT explains only the behavior of Quantum of Light !
Only quantum of light has a constant speed (c=1).
All another bodies and particles cannot reach this speed.
Quantum of light and all another particles are two
 incompatibles quantities of quality. And we know from
school that two incompatibles quantities cannot be
compared. And therefore the  SRT is a special theory
only for the Quantum of Light.
 It is our stupid prejudice that instead to understand
what Quantum of light is and how it interacts with
another particles we try to compare them.
Best wishes.
Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus.

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