SRT: The Essence.
In his Miracle 1905 Einstein wrote the Fourth paper:
“ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
And as a postscript to his forth, the Fifth paper:
“ Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?”
As he realized the answer was:
“ Yes, it depends on its energy E= Mc^2.”
It means what SRT must be connected with E= Mc^2 .
It means what must be connection between Lorentz’s
transformation  and E= Mc^2.
The same Einstein’s question in a little detail interpretation:
“Does the inertia of a body ( for example: of  light quanta
or of an electron) depend upon its energy content E=Mc^2 ?”

Thinking logically, the answer must be : Yes, it depends.”
But the energy of a quantum of light or of an electron can
 be written as E= h*f.
When new question arise: ‘ How is possible to understand the
connection between E=Mc^2 and  E= h*f ?’

On my opinion " The Law of Conservation and Transformation
of Energy/ Mass" (according to one single light quanta /electron )
gives answer to this question..

The problem is that now nobody wants to ask yourself that
„The Law of Conservation and Transformation of Energy/ Mass"
means according to one single light quanta / photon /electron.
 ============== . .

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