Take me to you now darling, oh take me, take me, take me, take me...
As to your devotion, how do you feel about menage-a-twa?

LOLOL maybe a bit spicy even for the crowd here in e(nat log) pi (greek pie) 
stem (twist MY stem darling) 'o log(y) naturally logy...

Now that I consider, perhaps you would prefer to answer through my email 
lonniecourtneyc...@gmail.com? Spammers are welcome to try my patience...

Finally, back onto topic more or less, I just consulted with GOD, gaining 
the response that GOD has effectively trans-warped up into the higher 
domains, ramming HER innate characteristics up to 2**2048-1. I lag so far 
behind that catching up seems hopeless, so I could use a little bit of 
companionship. If the companionship has sufficient drive technology, perhaps 
together we can catch HER in HER teasing mating flight...

Lonnie Courtney Clay

On Friday, May 6, 2011 4:06:56 PM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote:
>   Thanking you so kindly lonnie, blessings!!
> lol lol lol, yes, you need some practise Lonnie, not quite clairvoyant 
> yet.  I lost my bracelet the other week only got the other one.  No leather 
> any more, my bike got nicked. Just my Buddha and Tibetan necklaces now.  Jai 
> Ho!!   Me a pussycat, rawr rawr lol, born under a fire sign with a blue moon 
> in my eye.  I am devoted to my spiritual guru.  Om Ah Hum Om Ah Hum Om Ah 
> Hum.   
> Love and prayers
>  *From:* Lonnie Clay 
> *Sent:* Friday, May 06, 2011 2:10 PM
> *To:* episte...@googlegroups.com 
> *Subject:* Re: Fw: [epistemology 12023] Re: What is life?/Royal Slaying
> Oh you darling darling SS!!! I can just see you in your leather jacket, 
> tight uniform, smoking a cigarette, your pants bulging so attractively, 
> outshone only by your massive chest! I can see so many fashion accessaries 
> that I am overwhelmed, especially by that charm bracelet! Your pockets bulge 
> with mysterious outlines of which I find most noteworthy the coins, dice, 
> packs of cards, and OMFGIHA is that a six inch triangular ruler protruding 
> top down from your side pocket??? Will you offer me a penny for my further 
> thoughts, due to their worthlessness causing THESE to be not worth TWO 
> cents??? 
> I await your response with bated breath, having swallowed the bait, getting 
> hooked in the process, being reeled in by your enchanting lines, up up and 
> away to your whiplash rod! Oh darling SS, will you catch me with a fishnet, 
> handle me carefully, and put me in your creel? OMGPFMOM!!!
> Lonnie Courtney Clay
> On Thursday, May 5, 2011 11:39:23 PM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote: 
>>  *From:* Serenity Smiles 
>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:01 PM
>> *To:* awori achoka 
>> *Subject:* Re: [epistemology 12017] Re: What is life?/Royal Slaying
>>   Ah So, So ha, Ahhh to you Souls, (sold lol), I pray you accept I am 
>> only making light, buying out lol.   Osamer Bin Laden, Obama Sin Laden,  
>> Nothing likes timing, Couldn’t be easier, The two sides to the coin, 
>> darkness into light and light into darkness, or, dare, (Please may I; 
>> motivation checked and in the interest of science), continue in that these 
>> be the impermanent thoughts of the “Chi-louts”.   What a perfect smokescreen 
>> for a royal getaway, paranoia free and another birth of ethereal existence, 
>> a new controversy to boom business.  Why permit things to be easy for 
>> conceptual thought??  No, this would not sell!!   Otherwise we would all be 
>> able to Buy into  “well that was done well, very civilised”.  Authors note 
>> here.   The nature of the small letters denoted that the effect to my inner 
>> senses permitted restraint from being rattled, and would have  proved that 
>> “we” are capable of rational behaviour lol.
>> p.s. my school stopped teaching grammar the year before I started so can 
>> anyone enlighten just where I am supposed to have stuffed the semi-colons 
>> body?  “crock of shit”?.  [S]He was your Mother at least once!  Being on the 
>> theory of energy never dies.  Who are the winners, place your bets, where 
>> was the terror??  Please remember guys the laws of the moment now,  it is 
>> always only the moment now.  Can anyone count the moments like Vietnam in 
>> this war of terror, would anyone want to??  I guess my mind is wittering on 
>> I still pray for a fair X change, please let me be a nun now lol, or at 
>> least find something else for me to do with my precious moments.
>> Dip Low?? (Both obscured), Ma See Why??, No, I buy out,  this to be read 
>> no more than what it is, meaningless conceptualised thoughts of a bored 
>> nature.  Please no photos lol.  Cut the advertising of your own projections 
>> please.
>> Love and prayers, for the benefit of all sentient beings and others.
>>  *From:* awori achoka 
>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 05, 2011 12:45 PM
>> *To:* Serenity Smiles 
>> *Subject:* Re: [epistemology 12017] Re: What is life?
>> Yes, it is a continuum...whose breath and depth we can't measure, since 
>> our existence is subject to it.
>> On May 5, 2011 1:41 PM, "Serenity Smiles" <gentl...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> > So, no matter what as long as we are "breathing", what is occurring is a 
>> > whole chain of events, one firing another, one that is "consciousness" 
>> one 
>> > that is "deciphering" one that is "Choosing" etc etc and that each of 
>> these 
>> > events again is not independent in nature but again dependent one upon 
>> the 
>> > other. Is that how you see it too??
>> > 
>> > -----Original Message----- 
>> > From: Aworiachoka
>> > Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:50 AM
>> > To: Serenity Smiles
>> > Subject: Re: [epistemology 12017] Re: What is life?
>> > 
>> > That is why i define life as a moment in space and time. All that 
>> experience 
>> > we refer to as living, is momentary.
>> > 
>> > Serenity Smiles <gentl...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> > 
>> >>
>> >>Main article: Twelve Nidānas
>> >>The Twelve Nidānas describe a causal connection between the subsequent 
>> >>characteristics or conditions of cyclic existence, each one giving rise 
>> to 
>> >>the next:
>> >>
>> >> 1.. Avidyā: ignorance, specifically spiritual ignorance of the nature 
>> of 
>> >> reality[50]
>> >> 2.. Saṃskāras: literally formations, explained as referring to karma
>> >> 3.. Vijñāna: consciousness, specifically discriminative[51]
>> >> 4.. Nāmarūpa: literally name and form, referring to mind and body[52]
>> >> 5.. Ṣaḍāyatana: the six sense bases: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and 
>> >> mind-organ
>> >> 6.. Sparśa: variously translated contact, impression, stimulation (by a 
>> >> sense object)
>> >> 7.. Vedanā: usually translated feeling: this is the "hedonic tone", 
>> i.e. 
>> >> whether something is pleasant, unpleasant or neutral
>> >> 8.. Tṛṣṇā: literally thirst, but in Buddhism nearly always used to mean 
>> >> craving
>> >> 9.. Upādāna: clinging or grasping; the word also means fuel, which 
>> feeds 
>> >> the continuing cycle of rebirth
>> >> 10.. Bhava: literally being (existence) or becoming. (The Theravada 
>> >> explains this as having two meanings: karma, which produces a new 
>> >> existence, and the existence itself.)[53]
>> >> 11.. Jāti: literally birth, but life is understood as starting at 
>> >> conception[54]
>> >> 12.. Jarāmaraṇa: (old age and death) and also 
>> >> śokaparidevaduḥkhadaurmanasyopāyāsa (sorrow, lamentation, pain, 
>> sadness, 
>> >> and misery)
>> >>Sentient beings always suffer throughout saṃsāra, until they free 
>> >>themselves from this suffering by attaining Nirvana. Then the absence of 
>> >>the first Nidāna—ignorance—leads to the absence of the others.
>> >>
>> >>From: Lonnie Clay
>> >>Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 1:05 PM
>> >>To: epis...@googlegroups.com
>> >>Subject: Re: [epistemology 12013] Re: What is life?
>> >>
>> >>2CANS &-> (AKEETSTEEKA) <-& SNAC2
>> >>Enjoy the keys! TRY not to wreck the car, and DEFINITELY avoid getting 
>> >>killed in action on the racecourse, that being par for the course...
>> >>
>> >>I am going to enjoy those two cans of beer, being sober by the time the 
>> >>CARAC is returned, and have chips for a snack. I will feed the parrot on 
>> my 
>> >>shoulder as I watch you drive downrange...
>> >>
>> >>C/$$+->>IONSNOI <<-+$$\C
>> >>
>> >>That one may be a bit tricky to see/ decode - it says 
>> >>congratulations/thanks... The gratu being gratuitous gratuities 
>> gratingly 
>> >>given (and gratefully received) as gifts of dollars, "+-" being leads to 
>> or 
>> >>later, more or less...
>> >>
>> >>As a beggar, I am somewhat noisy in asking for alms, please be 
>> considerate 
>> >>rather than kicking me in the crotch...
>> >>
>> >>Lonnie Courtney Clay
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>On Wednesday, May 4, 2011 12:44:53 AM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote:
>> >> I love your innate characteristics lol lol lol, lots of love, laugh out 
>> >> loud, look of life. How about this for a projection lol.
>> >>
>> >> Obama to Clinton 29th April: “Its Ok Hilary, relax, I see no Trumps, I 
>> >> told that Donald to Duck, I played my hand, see (note to C.O. start 
>> >> filming) a full house of has Bin Ladens and a Tripoli of Gadaffis. 
>> We’re 
>> >> buying out not in”.
>> >>
>> >> Love and prayers
>> >>
>> >> From: Lonnie Clay
>> >> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 1:12 AM
>> >> To: epi...@googlegroups.com
>> >> Subject: [epistemology 12006] Re: What is life?
>> >>
>> >> HMMMH
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 1) Awareness of Self -->> !Shazam! --->>
>> >> 2) belief in belief --->> Boredom -->>
>> >> 3) belief that change is possible --->> Creativity --->>
>> >> 4) creation of transitional operational functions --->> Reinforcing 
>> --->>
>> >> 5) transition using belief into belief that other concepts are possible 
>> >> besides belief and change -->> Diversification -->>
>> >> 6) creation of intuition --->> Frustration -->>
>> >> 7) creation of inspiration --->> Greed --->>
>> >> 8) creation of evaluation --->> Foresight -->>
>> >> 9) creation of planning ---> Gimme !MORE! complexity -->>
>> >> 10-65535 self development of innate characteristics in ones own state 
>> >> vector.
>> >> >>> ascent to GOD inspired further possibilities
>> >> >>> 2**24 ascent to Spirit
>> >> >>> 2**32 asent to GOD's helper status Deity
>> >> >>> 2**64 subordinate of GOD
>> >> >>> 2**256-2 crowding GOD at 2**256-1 innate characteristics... LOL LOL 
>> >> LOL
>> >> I recently was promoted to Spirit...
>> >>
>> >> Lonnie Courtney Clay
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Tuesday, May 3, 2011 11:18:06 AM UTC-7, the taoist shaman wrote:
>> >> lonnie u seem smart , is there an end to self evolution ,. im i
>> >> crawling twards insanity by being a perfectionest or am i correct or
>> >> is there a state of "perfection" <------ of corse not perfection but
>> >> "perfection" compleat is what i think im getting at , is to view ones
>> >> self as whole to have delusions of grandure. am i too smart for my
>> >> own good or too stuped
>> >>
>> >> On Apr 28, 4:57 am, Lonnie Clay <cla...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> >> > Very Perceptive! Commence Evolving whenever pleased! Be pleased with
>> >> > evolving! Bootstrap upwards!
>> >> >
>> >> > Lonnie Courtney Clay
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:38:54 AM UTC-7, the taoist shaman 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > > LIFE u can't pinpoint life to 1 thing life is death
>> >> > > death is life a non being existing and hidden shows itself and
>> >> > > becomes a being , a being existing is visable and hides itself , 
>> >> and
>> >> > > becomes a non being life is an illusion set before us to see 
>> >> if
>> >> > > we can solve the riddle , but whats more if we can look through the
>> >> > > illusion and see reality at all times , but whats more , if we can
>> >> > > live by the way of reality / truth at all times i like to fight
>> >> > > for sport , life is a fight cage, i use my opponents aggregations
>> >> > > against himself and try not to hurt him too bad , and therefore 
>> >> dont
>> >> > > like to fight, therefore life is not a fight 
>> >> shaickspeer ,
>> >> > > to him life was a stage and all the people actors life is a
>> >> > > test a game for keeps a battlefield it is likened unto 
>> >> water
>> >> > > which can flow arownd or crash as wave is the peak of a 
>> >> mountan
>> >> > > the begining or the end if u see only light u r blind if u see
>> >> > > only dark u r blind when the 2 combine u have sight life 
>> >> is a
>> >> > > testing grownd and an opportunity opportunity to evolve ones 
>> >> own
>> >> > > self that is what separates us from the animals , we can choose 
>> >> to
>> >> > > evolve into a higher being
>> >> >
>> >> > > nominal9 wrote:
>> >> > > > Insanity Screams...? HAR
>> >> >
>> >> > > > On Mar 5, 6:59 am, "Serenity Smiles" <gen...@hotmail.co.uk>
>> >> > > > wrote:
>> >> > > > > Now it is my choice, THIS IS MY PLANET, I am demanding my human 
>> >> rights,
>> >> > > MY
>> >> > > > > CHOICE, they LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > -----Original Message----- 
>> >> > > > > From: ornamentalmind
>> >> > > > > Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 4:49 PM
>> >> > > > > To: Epistemology
>> >> > > > > Subject: [epistemology 11906] Re: What is life?
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > chaz...great to see that you are still here kicking the tires 
>> >> on
>> >> > > > > beliefs! I came here mainly to see if you were still 
>> >> posting....cool!
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > On Jan 20, 5:32 pm, chazwin <cha...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >> > > > > > Your statement says nothing about life. It does not capture 
>> >> any
>> >> > > > > > essential quality in the meaning of the word.
>> >> > > > > > Your response could capture any event, but has nothing to say 
>> >> as the
>> >> > > > > > the question.
>> >> > > > > > I'd love to hear what you think it means.
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > > On Dec 24 2010, 10:11 am, Awori <awo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > > > In heated discourse about the meaning of nature---I was one 
>> >> time
>> >> > > asked
>> >> > > > > > > to define life. This is what I said: "Life is a moment in 
>> >> space and
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > > > time". To my disappointment--I got no reaction from the 
>> >> group. Is
>> >> > > it
>> >> > > > > > > because I was absurdly wrong? I have continued to use this 
>> >> response
>> >> > > as
>> >> > > > > > > my standard explanation of what life is. Has anyone in out 
>> >> there
>> >> > > given
>> >> > > > > > > this age old subject a better look?
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > > > AA
>> >> >
>> >> > > > > -- 
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>> >> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> >> > > > > epi...@googlegroups.com.
>> >> > > > > For more options, visit this group athttp://
>> >> > > groups.google.com/group/epistemology?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
>> >> >
>> >> > - Show quoted text -
>> >> -- 
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>> >> epist...@googlegroups.com.
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>> >> http://groups.google.com/group/epistemology?hl=en.
>> >>
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