Consider a pure element. On a balance scale, imagine that we can place
one atom at a time in a pan. We have a standard calibrated mass in the
other pan. We can (theoretically) place one atom at a time in one pan
until it is balanced against the standard mass in the other pan. When
we lift either the pan with atoms or the pan with the standard mass we
feel weight. We feel the combination [mg] at location [g]

We feel at location [g], the cumulative resistance (mass) of the
number of atoms in the pure object pan at that location. In this
example the balance scale compares the resistance of a quantity of
atoms to the resistance of a quantity of matter calibrated in mass
units. Each atom in the pure object pan is uniformly acted upon by the
planet attractor.

Is each atom in the calibrated object pan also uniformly acted upon by
the planet attractor?  In other words; Is this uniform action on each
atom a consequence of each atom being identical in the pure object? Or
is it a consequence of the planet attractor’s uniform action on atoms
in general? The number of atoms in each pan need not be the same.

In the pure atom pan we are measuring the cumulative resistance of the
number of atoms.  Without digressing into the reason we use the
conserved unit “mass” in the first place, in this case we call this
“mass” because we are measuring the cumulative comparative resistance
of atoms in the pure object pan against the object in the pan
calibrated in mass units.

Is the mass of the calibrated object also the cumulative resistance of
the atoms in that object?  Do all objects fall at the same rate?

Answer by critic:
> instead of talking of the "cumulative resistance" you should talk of
> the total energy.  It is improper to talk about "resistance" wrt to 
> gravitation.  In physics "resistance" has a completely different meaning.  
> Speak instead of gravitational acceleration or even gravitational force (if 
> you must).

Jr writes> I am trying to separate our subjective interpretation of
physical phenomena from the objective events in the universe. Our
generalization of Force [F] (as something we feel), to the inanimate
universe in general, as something it feels, is quite absurd on the
However wrt the use of the term “resistance”:

Begin quote
"Mass is defined by the resistance that a body opposes to its
acceleration (inert mass). It is also measured by the weight of the
body (heavy mass). That these two radically different definitions
to the same value for the mass of a body is, in itself, an
End quote: Albert Einstein

Jr writes> .If we define mass [m] as a cumulative resistance of atoms
(amount of matter) the “astonishing” aspect of the equivalence between
inertia and weight evaporates.

We can eliminate the “uniform gravitational field” by a planet’s
uniform attractive action on atoms and parts of atoms. It is a major
conceptual change where the functional existing mathematics is
retained. Which provides a segue into an understanding of an
electromagnetic universe that we as inertial objects have to date
defined in quantities of that universe that we feel and so work
against. My rhetorical question here suggests that all objects fall at
the same rate. johnreed

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