Ya Lonnie lol lol lol, really the blessed soul should have said J.C. will be 
here as 666 arising however many 6s there are in this cricket field of a planet 
but then that would make him the devil again.

love and prayers 

From: Lonnie Clay 
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:36 AM
To: epistemology@googlegroups.com 
Subject: [epistemology 12060] Re: Have I saved some more souls??

As I said to other inmates of the looney bin before being released today, the 
rapture will be (if it should happen) cause for celebration. All of those 
believers will get their ultimate S&M fantasy, being permitted to kneel 
abjectly before God's throne singing praises forever. The prisoners of Hell 
will be released to celebrate upon Earth. Since all of those who believe that 
nonsense in Revelations will have been ruptured up out of our way, the 
remainder of us, including former denizens of Hell can ignore all of that 
Biblical doomsaying and engage in nonstop orgies with the result that peace 
will come to Mother Earth at last... 

God will laugh and pass the whole sordid affair (of the time since he drove 
Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden for being catspaws of Set the Serpent) 
as one huge joke, and admit that Set could not have been in Eden to corrupt 
God's play doll humans if God had not meant things to occur in PRECISELY the 
way events fell out. The whole train of events up to now has been a practice 
exercise to see if God's play dolls will ever get properly animated, to the 
point where they can hold their own in conversation with God to relieve God's 
incredible boredom...

See YouTube for song "Troglodyte" - If they DO get raptured, it'll be time to 

If they don't get raptured, somebody might be so offended as to physically 
attack me in person, then we'll see if I am a limb of Satan, or alternatively 
GOD's right hand handy man (perhaps both) LOLOL LOLOL LOLOL...

Lonnie Courtney Clay

On Friday, May 20, 2011 10:52:03 AM UTC-7, Serenity Smiles wrote: 
  Shall we have a bet??

  From: david benn 
  Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 6:27 PM
  To: gentle....@hotmail.co.uk 
  Subject: I'll see you on the far side.

  a.. Saturday is last day on earth, claims evangelical Christian 
  a.. Harold Camping, 89, wrongly predicted 'the rapture' date once before in 

  a.. God's chosen few ascend to heaven, sinners left behind to face 
  a.. Atheists hold parties to celebrate 'inevitable embarrassment' 
  a.. Christian author calls Camping's prediction 'flat-out wrong'

  The world will end at 6pm tomorrow according to the followers of an 
evangelical Christian minister, who claims he calculated the date and time of 
'The Rapture' by adding up numbers in the Bible. 

  Harold Camping, 89, is the leader of Family Radio, an independent ministry 
which spreads its word via a network on 66 radio stations and online 

  Camping has previously written a book called '1994?', in which he wrongly 
predicted the end of the world in that year, and was later forced to apologise 
for a mathematical error. 

  Read more: 
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