I found your post very interesting!

A philosophical engineering is possible yes I'm sure.
In other words, to develop certain objects, right through pure
speculation, which are able to interact in a third position which is
not purely scientific or philosophic. (if I got correctly the

Called my attention what you called here the "boundary" which "gives"



On Aug 18, 2:26 am, Roger <roger...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>     If anyone is interested, I put some of my ideas on why things
> exist, why is there something rather than nothing, and infinite sets
> at the following website:
> https://sites.google.com/site/ralphthewebsite/
>     The abstract of the "Why do things exist and why is there
> something rather than nothing?" paper is also below.  Thank you!
> Roger
> Why Do Things Exist and Why is There Something Rather than Nothing?
> Abstract
>     In this paper, I propose solutions to the questions "Why do things
> exist?" and "Why is there something rather than nothing?"  In regard
> to the first question, "Why do things exist?", it is argued that a
> thing exists if the contents of, or what is meant by, that thing are
> completely defined.  A complete definition is equivalent to an edge or
> boundary defining what is contained within and giving “substance” and
> existence to the thing.  In regard to the second question, "Why is
> there something rather than nothing?", "nothing", or non-existence, is
> first defined to mean: no energy, matter, volume, space, time,
> thoughts, concepts, mathematical truths, etc.; and no minds to think
> about this lack-of-all.  It is then shown that this non-existence
> itself, not our mind's conception of non-existence, is the complete
> description, or definition, of what is present.  That is, no energy,
> no matter, no volume, no space, no time, no thoughts, etc.,  in and of
> itself, describes, defines, or tells you, exactly what is present.
> Therefore, as a complete definition of what is present, "nothing", or
> non-existence, is actually an existent state.  So, what has
> traditionally been thought of as "nothing", or non-existence, is, when
> seen from a different perspective, an existent state or "something".
> Said yet another way, non-existence can appear as either "nothing" or
> "something" depending on the perspective of the observer.   Another
> argument is also presented that reaches this same conclusion.
> Finally, this reasoning is used to form a primitive model of the
> universe via what I refer to as "philosophical engineering".

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