I am not particularly familiar with the Revel Casino situation.....There 
was the recent SuperStorm Sandy that hit the Jersey  Coast... probably put 
a damper on business there ... but that was (is) a short term thing....the 
bigger problem may be that the gambling industry is expanding in 
locations... time was that New Jersy (as well as Connecticut) drew many 
customer-gamblers from the larger New York (City) market and other nearby 
states.... now, all those nearby states (New York included) are legalizing 
gambling, themselves... the customers stay closer to home....Recreation 
industries, in general, don't do much for the economy, I don't think.... 
they don't create much in actual products or trade... just skim off the 
wages of other actual labor....

I notice (below) that your Bank of England has voted against any more 
"quantitative easing"....looks like the full force of the "blame" for 
austerity (pain and suffering) is now going to be placed where it 
belongs....Cameron / Osborne....Jackasses should have been tarred and 
feathered and ridden out on a rail long ago.... Har...


The City was bracing itself for fresh stimulus from the Bank of 
England<http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/bankofenglandgovernor>on Wednesday 
night after it emerged that the outgoing governor Sir Mervyn 
King <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/mervyn-king> is pressing for 
additional electronic money creation to boost growth.

Sterling <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/sterling> fell sharply on the 
foreign exchanges following the release of the minutes of the February 
meeting of the Bank's monetary policy committee (MPC) which showed King 
joining two other policy makers – David Miles and Paul Fisher – in voting 
for an extra £25bn in quantitative 

The governor lost the vote on the nine-strong committee by six votes to 
three but financial markets were taken aback by evidence that the MPC had a 
full-blown debate about what it could do to next to help the UK's weak 

The City had expected only Miles to vote in favour of increasing the QE 
programme to £400bn and the minutes triggered a fall in sterling; it ended 
the day at its lowest level in 17 months when measured against a basket of 
world currencies <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/currencies>. The pound 
lost more than more than a cent against the dollar to close at just below 
$1.53, while the euro rose to 87.645 pence, its highest level for more than 
a year.

Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, attacked George Osborne by seizing on a 
section of the minutes that warned that the Bank could not transform the 
outlook for growth on its own and that "other authorities" might need to 
use "targeted interventions to boost demand the supply capacity of the 

Balls said: "The Bank of England is losing patience with this chancellor. 
With interest rates <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/interest-rates> at 
record lows and billions of quantitative easing already tried, there is 
only so much more the Bank of England can do through monetary policy.

"George Osborne must finally heed the warnings and realise that his fiscal 
policies, which have crushed growth and confidence in our economy, must now 
change before more long-term damage is done."

The minutes show that King, Miles and Fisher argued further action to 
stimulate activity was needed to prevent "potentially lasting destruction 
of productive capacity and increases in unemployment".

Although inflation is expected to be above the government's 2% target for 
the next two years, the three dissenting voices on the committee said they 
did not think additional QE would lead to further upward pressure on the 
cost of living.

Those opposing further QE said the Bank had already given a "substantial" 
stimulus to the economy and expressed concern that QE was becoming less 
effective. With inflation already above target, there was a risk further 
asset purchases would send the wrong signal to the public.
   - [image: Print 
   - <http://www.guardian.co.uk/share/1870043>
   - <http://www.guardian.co.uk/contactus/1870043>

 Business <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business> 
   - Bank of England<http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/bankofenglandgovernor>· 
   - Mervyn King <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/mervyn-king> · 
   - Quantitative 
   - Economics <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/economics> · 
   - Interest rates <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/interest-rates> · 
   - Sterling <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/sterling> · 
   - Currencies <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/currencies> 

UK news <http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk> 

More news <http://www.guardian.co.uk/tone/news>
   - More on this story 
    [image: Bank of England] 
    Larry Elliott: King should soon get his way on 
   If the Bank is to do anything unilaterally in the coming months it will 
   be more quantitative easing coupled with a concerted attempt to boost 
   exports by talking down the value of the pound
   -   Share 
   - inShare 


On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:43:45 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
> How is it that people find it so hard to recognise what you are saying 
> Nom?  I know a few who do.  We should be appalled and offended by 
> what's going on.  It may be too late already. 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuFJzgyUt0Q&feature=player_embedded&list=UUqic0ZJestynEt-BYH8tdOg
> - some videos advertising the bankruptcy disaster on a casino 
> development in Atlantic City seem to say it all - seeing the building 
> of it even the coastline sand legged it away!  Such was Tony Blair's 
> plan for urban renewal in East Manchester (he's now a bag man for JP 
> Morgan - the people who financed the Revel flop - no doubt they would 
> have been behind the East Manchester fiasco had Blair survived 
> longer).  Censorship is very cunning and plenty of people I meet have 
> their views ruled out because they haven't learned or can't stand 
> mannered representation. 
> On 18 Feb, 21:13, nominal9 <nomin...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> > AS to the legal issues.....the gags stop there... the characters are 
> > serious tyrants in positions of authority, corrupt, to say the least. 
> > The officials and judges spoken of with their "ersatz" sovereign 
> > "immunity" make fascists and Nazis look like "siblings" in abuse and 
> > sadism... regardless of their color or ethnicity, most if not all are 
> > complete shits....arrogant, pompous and... prepotent... if you know 
> > that word, in the "romance language" sense.... not fit to serve.... 
> > 
> > On Feb 18, 7:48 am, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > My view goes a bit more like this: 
> > > The laziness of the educated middle class is the thing haunting me. 
> > > Rich bankers see what is happening, and laugh all the way to the bank, 
> > > while the middle class works to serve their interests. Risk managers, 
> > > lawyers, chartered accountants, all these people pretend that they are 
> > > working hard, while in truth they are lazy – morally and 
> > > intellectually. The same holds true for the university professors of 
> > > law and of economics. Where is constructive criticism today? This 
> > > laziness has become so widespread, that very few can see it for what 
> > > it is. 
> > > The bit about local Zionist Jews is likely to write off all the 
> > > message of course - falling foul of the political correctness you rail 
> > > against.  I'm not sure it's worth keeping - though we should be asking 
> > > questions about the rentier-class.  I have recently come to the 
> > > conclusion we should hate injustice and be more inclined to vent the 
> > > spleen to let others know we are hurt (too).  The correct term for UK 
> > > government is Cuntillition.  I see most of the same problems here - 
> > > emerging in banksterism, dismal and cruel performances and cover-up in 
> > > police and caring services, vile bastards making fortunes pretending 
> > > to help the unemployed ... 
> > 
> > > On Feb 16, 3:36 pm, nominal9 <nomin...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> > 
> > > > I not only "PLAY" the anarchist on these message boards... I 
> actually try 
> > > > to "LIVE" the part.... HAR....Here's a bit from some "court" papers 
> I 
> > > > filed... I lost the"state court" cases, of course....I am thinking 
> of 
> > > > taking it "federal"....I have to do these things, "pro se"...but I 
> am 
> > > > getting "consumed" by the work and effort....can't afford a 
> Barrsiter (Har) 
> > > > aka lawyer (pronounced LIAR)... even if any were disposed to take my 
> > > > case.... 
> > 
> > > >
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/opendebateforum/Fuger/open... 
> > > > I believe it about the South.... Cunt-Etiquette... the Constipation 
> > > > State  (that is, Connecticut).... that's where you get the more 
> > > > serious and insidious "mannered" style of bigotry and prejudice. 
> It's 
> > > > founded on the true bigotry of self-assumed (or proclaimed) 
> > > > intellectual superiority.... especially practiced by the local 
> Zionist 
> > > > Racist Jews (most even Democrats) and their yes-men lackeys... 
> > > > including the other true racial minorities.... blacks and 
> > > > latinos....you know... the social climbing blacks who got (and get) 
> > > > ahead by being good servants and the latinos....the latinos that 
> were 
> > > > the upper class "original Spanish" property owners or the other such 
> > > > despoilers of the lower or indigenous peoples from whence they 
> came... 
> > > > French Revolution, best way to deal with all such "noble" or 
> > > > "aristocratic" sorts.... cut their heads off and shove them up their 
> > > > shitty asses, I say 
> > 
> > > > [told 'em.... outright....Figurative sons and daughters of pigs and 
> > > > bitches] 
> > 
> > > > You the state, you the government, you are all the criminals here. 
> > > > From the Town Municipal Employee Defendants who committed the five 
> > > > criminal incident acts of bigoted harassment and sought 
> intimidation; 
> > > > to the Defendant Municipal Employee Supervisors and the Defendant 
> > > > Municipal Town Police Department officers and Supervisors all of 
> whom 
> > > > refused to adequately investigate and identify the criminals; to the 
> > > > Defendant State’s Attorney Investigators and Prosecutors who refused 
> > > > to instate a proper investigation of the criminal acts by your own 
> or 
> > > > by other (State) police authorities and did not prosecute the 
> criminal 
> > > > acts; to the Defendant Commission On Human Rights and Opportunities 
> > > > who also refused to investigate and did not prosecute  the criminal 
> > > > acts at the Constitutional – Civil level; to the pertinent State and 
> > > > Appellate Court Judges named above Fuger, Lavine Espinosa and West 
> all 
> > > > of whom  ruled in favor of your fellow State or Government Defendant 
> > > > parties; you are all criminals, be it directly or be it by virtue of 
> > > > your liability as supervisory officials  with the responsibility to 
> > > > legally and ethically uphold the law and Constitutional Rights. 
> > > > Regarding all claims of ersatz State Absolute or Sovereign immunity 
> as 
> > > > they may regard the Defendant parties and including Judges, I 
> > > > personally do not hold in the least with Judge Learned Hand’s dictum 
> > > > that a judicial injustice need not be rectified if the authority of 
> > > > the Courts is thereby compromised. Instead, to the contrary, 
> ethically 
> > > > I am an advocate of the historical French Revolution approach when 
> it 
> > > > comes to this matter, which holds that all “Sovereigns” (actual or 
> > > > ersatz) of the tyrant persuasion deserve to have their heads 
> removed. 
> > > > Punishment. As I see it, State Party criminals have been given 
> > > > authority and responsibility above the “ordinary” and so you merit 
> > > > corresponding greater punishment for your wrongdoing. As a matter of 
> > > > law, state parties up to and including judges are subject to Court 
> > > > Action for violations of the Constitution, which I have here 
> alleged. 
> > > > So, the only seeming recourse a wronged party such as I may have 
> > > > against you all is to appeal to some “Higher Court”. For your 
> > > > incompetence, your negligence, your bias or prejudice, or your 
> > > > corruption, I who have to suffer for it, Damn you all to Hell, even 
> > > > though I am an agnostic in the matter of “Heavenly Justice”. If such 
> a 
> > > > Supreme Being exists, from my lips to God’s ear, I ask that you each 
> > > > get the justice that you deserve for the injustice that you now 
> foist 
> > > > upon me, preferably in this lifetime, but certainly in any 
> afterlife.- Hide quoted text - 
> > 
> > > - Show quoted text - 

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