Hello everybody,
I'm intern at Erlang Solutions and start working on integrating dbg and ttb
into erlide plugin. Vlad suggested brainstorming about the best way of
presenting results and as an example he had mentioned similar solution for
Java (http://diver.sourceforge.net/index.html).
I watched tutorials and read documentation and I think that it could be done
in a similar way:) As far as I understood dbg (I've never had any contact
with that tool and I'm also new to Erlang) filtering could be done on 2
- by processes using dbg:p/2 function
- by functions which are being called using dbg:c/4 function
Dbg returns information about messages which were sent between processes and
which functions were called so it should be quite easy to create a sequence
That could done be for the beginning. Then I could start further
integration, for example clicking on some element on graph would show you
source etc. What do you think about it?

I'd like to ask if someone managed to run this plugin for Java under Linux.
It works under Windows but under Linux I keep receiving error messages like
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library in absolute path: /[path-to-plugin]/libsketch_

I found this: http://delaltctrl.blogspot.com/2010/06/diver-in-linux.html but
although I installed boost library I'm still receiving that error.
best regards,
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