On Sep 17, 2008, at 2:34 PM, Douglas Crockford wrote:

> Sam Ruby wrote:
>> To the extent that I understand Doug's proposal, it essentially is an
>> opt-in that would remove a feature (binary64 floating points); and
>> therefore would likely be about as successful as an opt-in that
>> removed another feature that Doug dislikes, such as "with".  Am I
>> missing something?
> It would replace a feature that many consider to be broken with a  
> feature that
> we hope will work better.

While decimal floating point may be better than binary floating point  
for some applications, such as currency calculations, it would be  
unsuitable for other applications such as graphics. Doing advanced  
client-side graphics in JavaScript is an increasingly popular  
application. For example, see Processing.JS, Algorithmic Ink,  
Mozilla's recent image filtering demo, and any of a number of charting  
and graphic applications.

Using decimal floating point is unacceptable for these kinds of  
applications - the performance would not be acceptable. So we should  
not go down a path based on the assumption that binary floating point  
can be removed.

I agree with you and Brendan that these issues are better resolved in  


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