>-----Original Message-----
>From: Waldemar Horwat [mailto:walde...@google.com]
>Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 6:30 PM
>As you guys mentioned, the bigger question is what to do about multiple
>global objects.  That's the issue in reality and we shouldn't add
>anything to the spec that would be inconsistent with that reality.
>    Waldemar

I'm inclination is say that we should explicitly specify for each [[Class]] 
value used in the specification only and exactly the invariants that something 
in the specification actually depends upon. Anything else seems to be outside 
the scope of the specification and there is no good way so select which of the 
Section 15 characteristics do or don't need to be specified. 

Other than toString I  believe that the only directly user observable use of 
[[Class]] is the new Array.isArray function. The main use case for this was 
Doug's JSON libraries that needed to determine which objects should be output 
using array literal notation.  We now have enough reflection support that he 
could write any sort of Array litmus test that he thought was appropriate (for 
example, length property value == largest numeric property name + 1).  Given 
that, maybe we don't really need Array.isArrary which would probably simply the 
what does [[Class]]=="Array" mean discussion.

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