On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 6:01 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Are you suggesting a) that struct types should always be value types, or b) 
> some sort of extension to the binary data spec that allows the creation of 
> immutable structs that are value types?
> I'm afraid a) just seems unworkable -- compound binary data needs to be 
> mutable, and its sub-components really need to be selectable by reference, 
> not by copying. If you meant b) (or something else), can you flesh it out a 
> bit more?

Another possibility is that the current proposal labeled "value-types"
doesn't mention immutability :-)

My read of the so-called value-types proposal is that some (as of yet
undefined) mechanism which will cause some set of non-primitive
objects to override the default "call toString() and concatenate the
results" behavior for the plus operator.  That override would likely
be some form of double-dispatch.

That being said, if the immutability is a pre-requisite for
"value-types" (presumably in order to address the triple equals hard
case), and given that value-types was tossed out there as a potential
solution to the bignum requirement, can somebody sketch out how ===
would work for bignums?  My intuition is that any triple-equals
solution that works for bignums would also work for decimal.

> Dave

- Sam Ruby
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