On Oct 18, 2010, at 3:16 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 6:01 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Are you suggesting a) that struct types should always be value types, or b) 
>> some sort of extension to the binary data spec that allows the creation of 
>> immutable structs that are value types?
>> I'm afraid a) just seems unworkable -- compound binary data needs to be 
>> mutable, and its sub-components really need to be selectable by reference, 
>> not by copying. If you meant b) (or something else), can you flesh it out a 
>> bit more?
> Another possibility is that the current proposal labeled "value-types"
> doesn't mention immutability :-)

It does, spelled "frozen": see

  Value Type means “shallow frozen”.
 and look for other "frozen" matches in 

> That being said, if the immutability is a pre-requisite for
> "value-types" (presumably in order to address the triple equals hard
> case), and given that value-types was tossed out there as a potential
> solution to the bignum requirement, can somebody sketch out how ===
> would work for bignums?  My intuition is that any triple-equals
> solution that works for bignums would also work for decimal.

No intuition needed, the page was explicit in paraphrasing Mark's position:

 ...  Mark: no, Value Types mean === can do a recursive, cycle-tolerant 
structural comparison. Jason: not convinced that complexity is warranted.

On es-discuss in the "Structs" thread, Waldemar wrote at 
https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2010-June/011316.html the 

> b = a[i];
> a[i].x += 1;
 . . .
> That leads to a couple plausible meanings of b === a[i]:
> 1.  Pointer equality:  True if and only if mutating one's contents would 
> mutate the other's.
> 2.  Recursive value equality:  True if and only if all of their constituent 
> elements are ===.  I hope that you can't have things like aliases themselves 
> as first-class values inside structs, as that could create cycles (although 
> you could still make === work in that case if you really wanted to).
> Bit-by-bit equality is not desirable in the presence of NaN's and signed 
> zeroes.  If we go with choice 2, the struct {x:17, y:NaN} should not be === 
> to {x:17, y:NaN}.  Using bit equality, it might or might not be ===, which 
> then could be used to discriminate among different kinds of NaN's.  There is 
> currently nothing in the language with that power and I'd prefer to keep it 
> that way.

But of course the context here includes mutability, since we were talking about 
WebGL typed arrays, in the same vein as Dave's 
http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:binary_data strawman. 
Mutability is a requirement but === is not.

If we separate value types from binary data, where operators including === are 
required for value types such as bignums, decimal, etc., then we could choose 
to make value types deeply frozen, and define === as Mark proposed. But 
Waldemar objected to this because it fails to equate -0 and 0, and it does 
equate NaN.

Still, I believe separating binary data from value types is the right choice. 
You could use frozen binary data to implement the representation of a value 
type, whose operators and literal syntax would come from its object-like 
"clothing" (whether declarative via new syntax or using some Proxy-like API, 
details TBD).

And I believe making value types frozen in some sense is important, for 
preservation of === and other invariants, and for memoization and sharing of 
value type instances created via literals.

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