> The spirit of the proposal is that this special type of statement be a
> linear sequence of function executions (as opposed to nested
> function-reference callbacks delegating execution to other code).
> The special behavior is that in between each part/expression of the
> statement, evaluation of the statement itself (NOT the rest of the program)
> may be "suspended" until the previous part/expression is fulfilled. This
> would conceptually be like a yield/continuation localized to ONLY the
> statement in question, not affecting the linear execution of the rest of the
> program.

This reminds me of a proposal by Kris Zyp a couple of months ago ("single
frame continuations")

I don't think that discussion lead to a clear outcome, but it's definitely
related, both in terms of goals as well as in mechanism.
I also recall it prompted Dave Herman to sketch the design space of
(single-frame) continuations for JS:

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