> I'm not trying to open the can-o'-worms around block level changes. The above 
> code suggests that a 'yield' suspension of execution is local to the nearest 
> container { } block, in this case the try { } block.

No, that's not the case. That code was not hypothetical: it works in 
SpiderMonkey using extensions that have been around for several years. You 
might want to take some time to explore generators by following the docs that 
Mike linked to, and by playing with SpiderMonkey.

> I have to throw up a red flag and claim some naivety/ignorance here. Even 
> after reading those links, I'm confused on what "single frame continuations" 
> means.

Both "single-frame continuation" and "shallow continuation" are terms we've 
used informally for the same idea: being able to suspend a single function 
activation (aka stack frame) as a JavaScript value that you can use later to 
resume the suspended activation.

> I feel like my idea is pretty simple and limited compared to what I've seen 
> from the broader scope ideas of full program continuations, true concurrency, 
> etc.

Nobody is recommending full continuations or heavyweight concurrency 
facilities. *Especially* if it involves shared-memory threads (which most 
straightforward extensions would) -- that will *definitely* not happen in 

> But maybe I'm in completely the wrong "frame" of reference and my idea is way 
> far out there in complexity?

I haven't fully understood your proposal yet, so FWIW it's hard for me to say 
just yet.

> In my naive understanding of the words, I think what I want to introduce is 
> statement-localized continuations.
> I want for a statement, which can consist of two or more expressions, any or 
> all of them being function calls which can chose to yield/defer/suspend their 
> completion asynchronously.

I think you might find you need to work through this part in more detail. Part 
of the essential trickiness in nailing down the semantics of a continuation 
operator is specifying *exactly* how much of the continuation is suspended.

I don't understand the |promise| "auto-variable" you mention. What does it do? 
Does it affect control flow as well, or is it no difference from (new 
Promise()) for some built-in Promise constructor? (BTW, automatically-bound 
variables like |arguments| are a mis-feature IMO, and I'd urge you to 
reconsider that part.)

What does it mean when you say in your post that "the @ operator will wait to 
continue"? What does it mean in JS to "wait?" Does it mean that evaluation of 
the entire statement suspends and the result is a new promise? Where does that 
promise go? Statements discard their result, more or less (notwithstanding the 
completion value, which in most cases in the language really is discarded), so 
how does that promise not just disappear?

You mention a ternary form but I can't find it anywhere in the blog post. Do 
you describe it in any more detail somewhere else?

What is the specification of p.defer()? Does it cause its containing function 
to suspend? Or just its containing statement?


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