I'm not quite sure I understand the scenario you're describing. Do you mean 
that we dump the contents of a.js and b.js into all.js and delete the first two 
files? In that case you can do:

    // all.js:
    export module a {
        export module b {
            // original b.js contents ...
        // original a.js contents ...

But I'm not sure if I'm getting what you want the example to be.


On Dec 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

> Sweet - I was hoping that the module wouldn't have to name itself.
> My next question has to do with bundling.  Let's say I want to bundle a.js 
> and b.js into a single file, with the exports of a.js providing the exports 
> of this bundled "thing".  I suppose I could wrap both of the individual 
> modules something like this:
> module a { /* a.js text */ }
> module b { /* b.js text */ }
> export a; // ? Not sure about this one
> But will the runtime know how to correctly resolve the (module b = "b.js";) 
> that comes from a.js?  Or will that declaration have to be rewritten?
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:30 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> There's some flexibility built in to the system via module loaders. The 
> "filesystem modules" example is hypothetical; it assumes a built-in module 
> loader that maps files available on the filesystem to corresponding 
> pre-defined, nested modules.
> On the web, you would do almost as you suggest:
> > // a.js
> > module a
> > {
> >     module b = "b.js";
> > }
> except that a.js doesn't name itself; it's named by the script that loads it:
>    // a.js
>    module b = "b.js";
>    ...
>    // b.js
>    ...
>    // project.html
>    ...
>    <script type="harmony">
>    module a = "a.js";
>    </script>
> Dave
> PS I will be updating the wiki pages soon to reflect some of the 
> finer-grained details and tweaks I've made to the design based on my 
> experience prototyping modules in Narcissus 
> (http://github.com/mozilla/narcissus). I'll ping the list when the pages are 
> updated.
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