
Your intuition of what constitutes a fundamental vs. a derived trap is
correct. Strictly speaking, the Proxy API could do with just the fundamental
traps. The motivation for providing the optional derived traps was that
overriding derived traps often allows proxy implementors to implement the
operation more efficiently (usually with less object allocations).

As for your suggestion of turning 'getPropertyNames' and
'getPropertyDescriptor' into derived traps: I think you're correct. We could
specify getPropertyNames and getPropertyDescriptor in terms of their "own"
siblings + a prototype-chain-walk.

I recall a discussion with Mark where this issue was briefly discussed
before. At that time, I was concerned by the fact that you could equally
well define getOwnPropertyDescriptor as the derived trap, in terms of
getPropertyDescriptor + getOwnPropertyNames, as follows:

getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) {
 var desc = this.getPropertyDescriptor(name);
 var ownnames = this.getOwnPropertyNames();
 if (ownnames.indexOf(name) !== -1)
   return desc;
   return undefined;

But applying the principle of minimizing the amount of allocations in
default trap implementations, your definition is strictly the better one.

I'm in favor of any change that can minimize the amount of fundamental
traps, so I'm in favor of adopting your change. Maybe Mark still recalls
reasons for why these traps were categorized as fundamental traps in the
first place.


2011/1/23 Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com>

> I think David has a point. The fundamental vs. derived distinction is, as I
> understand it, what Mark wrote recently, and David's application of it is
> sound (we do that prototype-walk with shadowing "duplicate removal" when
> starting a for-in loop in SpiderMonkey). Tom should weigh in.
> But proxies have a proto chain for instanceof and good old prototype-based
> delegation purposes, even though their traps could ignore the proto
> parameter. The instanceof operator will not, and note how there is no
> getPrototypeOf trap, either.
> This is a feature. I asked early on in the development of proxies whether
> the alternative, of putting the proto-chain walk "on the outside" of the
> proxy's handler traps was considered, and Mark pointed out the obvious: that
> doing so is strictly less flexible for cases where a proxy wants to do
> something different.
> But this greater-flexibility design decision does not mean the universal,
> object -invariant (ignoring mutable __proto__) instanceof and getPrototypeOf
> (and ES3's isPrototypeOf) relations should be outside of a proxy's control.
> The Proxy.create proto parameter is the way to control those relations, for
> the life of a given proxy, and modulo property lookup trap freedom to do
> other things than just delegate up the proto chain.
> /be
> On Jan 23, 2011, at 8:43 AM, François REMY wrote:
>  Moreover, should a Proxy really have a prototype ?
> I mean, what’s the point about having a prototype, since the “get” method
> can return everything you would like for any property ?
> I think getProtototypeOf should be defined as a new trap. And its default
> behaviour should be to return null (or Object.prototype, but I think null is
> the intented behavior of a proxy).
> On the other hand, overriding getPropertyNames should not be allowed.
> getPropertyNames should *always* return the concatenation of the properties
> returned by getOwnPropertyNames() and by
> getPrototypeOf(this).getPropertyNames(). It makes no sense otherwhise.
> I understand that we may want to redefine the way an ECMAScript Object can
> handle the native commands, but I’m strongly against anything that can
> conduce to illogical results (if there’s not an use case that justify it,
> naturally). The definition of getPropertyNames is clear and being able to
> redefine it locally seems me wrong. A proxy can modify is own behavior, not
> the behavior of the ES engine. Being able to have getPropertyNames and
> getOwnPropertyNames returning incompatible results is somewhat hurting me.
> Is there any reason we should allow that ? Any use case ?
> I’m issuing the same concerns for the “has” trap. It think it should not be
> a trap. It should always return hasOwn(key) || prototype.has(key). Each one
> of hasOwn and prototype can be tuned by the proxy, but not the “has” itself.
> We’re not removing features, but we prevent bad usage of it. Whatever the
> user code do, the ‘has’ behavior will stay logical.
> Another thing I don’t quite understand is the difference between “keys” and
> “enumerate”. If there’s no strong difference, it should be the same trap
> (same logic: enumerate should return the concatenation of this.keys and
> this.prototype.keys). Having two different but similar traps will cause
> confusion. Maybe there’s a need for this difference however. I just didn’t
> understand why such a difference should exist, but at least I see more
> possible usages than the first three traps I “contested”.
> Anyway, if we should retain only one thing from the discussions we already
> have seen on the Proxy hub, is that it’s a great feature, but one that still
> needs some work before implementation ;-)
> Regards,
> François
>  *From:* David Bruant <bru...@enseirb-matmeca.fr>
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:24 PM
> *To:* es-discuss <es-discuss@mozilla.org>
> *Cc:* Mark S. Miller <erig...@google.com>
> *Subject:* [ES Harmony Proxies] Fundamental trap definition
> Hi,
> I am wondering if getPropertyDescriptor and getPropertyNames fundamental
> traps shouldn't rather be derived traps since they could have a pretty
> straightforward default implementation.
> One implementation of getPropertyNames could be :
> --------------------------
> Object.getPropertyNames = function(o){
>     var objectToInspect;
>     var result = [];
>     for(objectToInspect = o;
>         objectToInspect !== null;
>         objectToInspect = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectToInspect))
>     {
>             result =
> result.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(objectToInspect));
>     }
>     return result.removeDuplicates(); // the removeDuplicates method is
> made up, but you get the point
> }
> --------------------------
> This seem to fit the proposal (
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:extended_object_api&s=getpropertydescriptor)
> expectations). This could be also the default getPropertyNames trap
> implementation.
> I haven't really seen a strong definition of what fundamental traps are in
> the proposal. On Mark Miller's e-mail (
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-January/012601.html) is
> written:
> [a trap is fundamental if] there is no coherent default behavior to fall
> back to that would be defined in terms of the remaining traps. (please tell
> me if I misinterpret what you meant)
> If we're going with this definition, then getPropertyDescriptor and
> getPropertyNames should probably be derived traps since they can clearly be
> defined thanks to other traps (respectively getOwnPropertyDescriptor and
> getOwnPropertyNames as I showed above) which seems to be coherent fallback
> behavior.
> Instead of a formal definition, this could be a rational for deciding what
> is a fundamental trap and what isn't.
> In the 5 remaining traps (getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames,
> defineProperty, delete, fix), I don't see any that could be defined thanks
> to the others. They seem to be also the fundamental actions that one can
> perform on a single object:
> Property-wise:
> - create/configure a property (defineProperty)
> - delete a property (delete)
> - retrieve a property (getOwnPropertyDescriptor. Can be used to separate
> the create and configure cases of defineProperty)
> Property-set-wise:
> - retrieve the property set (getOwnPropertyNames. More can be found later
> on each property with getOwnPropertyDescriptor)
> - prevent further extension (and optional reconfigurations for seal and
> freeze)(fix)
> The prototype can be retrieved thanks to Object.getPrototypeOf (which
> cannot be trapped for consistency purposes) and all actions can be performed
> by climbing the prototype chain.
> Any thoughts on the fundamental trap definition?
> Or on the idea of turning getPropertyDescriptor and getPropertyNames into
> derived traps with the suggested definition?
> David
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