>>> If you really want to change what super means in a function expressed in an 
>>> object initialiser, I'd like to see the exact use-case.
>> The only use case would be assigning a function that uses "super" to a 
>> property.
> Such an assignment might need the meaning of super to remain the same, 
> though. What's the use-case for remapping it? Stealing methods from one class 
> to another whose static super is not the same object as the proto of the 
> object into which the stolen function reference is stored?

It wouldn’t be about stealing, but about setting up an object differently:

var obj = {
    foo: function (x) {

=== VERSUS ===

var obj = {};
obj.foo = function (x) {

The <| helps to make that less urgent (I often use Object.create() and then add 
properties via assignment, to avoid the verbosity of property descriptors).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


home: rauschma.de
blog: 2ality.com

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