On Jul 8, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

>> And likewise for Function.create and RegExp.create. Boolean, Number, String, 
>> and Date get nothing :-P.
> Actually in the <| proposal I define it to work with boolean, number, and 
> string literals on the LHS.  Sorta useless but I included them so the 
> complete set of literals was covered.  So it really is only Date that didn't 
> get invited to the party.

For ES4 we entertained date literals based ISO 8601 "T" literals. Couldn't 
justify 'em, the use-cases were all unlikely hardcodings.

>> We have a somewhat-troubled proposal in Harmony to make Function.create an 
>> alternative Function constructor that takes a leading name parameter, and 
>> then parameters and body string parameters. But perhaps that could be 
>> renamed Function.createNamed.
> I think that create methods on Constructors should generally follow the 
> argument pattern of Object.create.  Things that don't should get a different 
> name. 


>> The extrapolated Gregorian calendar's range in milliseconds was chosen 
>> carefully to fit in an IEEE 754 double without loss of precision.
>> Real implementations decode the double into commonly-accessed fields that 
>> would have to track any updates to the milliseconds since (negative for 
>> before) the epoch.
> Seems like this could be an invisible implementation detail.

Certainly, it is invisible.

>  An it is really worth the effort. How often does anybody set Date components 
> in a situation that is so time critical that this would matter.  (any 
> shouldn't dates be immutable...oh well)

SunSpider, cough.

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