On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:02 PM, David Herman wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on 
>>>> instances of SubArray.
>>> All of them.  They are all generic.
>> We're speaking too broadly here. It depends on what we want to work how. For 
>> example, .map can't magically know how to produce a SubArray as its result 
>> if that's how SubArray wants it to work.

This is the real concern, I believe. The Array methods (all generic in that 
they take array-like |this| -- at least one is Array-specific in argument 
handling: concat) that return a new array always make an instance of Array.

Alex Russell brought up the idea of extending these array-producing methods to 
call a user-defined constructor. We discussed doing it by reflecting on 
this.constructor, but that is not a compatible change: people today call 
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) intending to get an Array instance whose 
elements come from the arguments object. It would be wrong to change this code 
to return a new Object, but that's what reflecting on this.constructor would 
do, because:

js> function f(){return arguments.constructor}
js> f()
function Object() {[native code]}

So we have two choices:

1. Duplicate the array methods with new twins mutated to reflect on 
this.constructor -- this is ugly and bloaty, even if we can segregate the 
methods so as to avoid mangling the twins' names.

2. Add a new protocol, perhaps enabled by setting a well-known private name 
object (i.e., a unique public name), denoted it kResultConstructor, so that the 
methods can detect something like this[kResultConstructor].

(2) adds a bit of runtime cost to the methods, which are not super-optimized in 
many way in today's engines. Not sure that hurts it much, compared to (1). Do 
modules help us make a better, less bloaty form of (1)?

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