In case someone is interested I've experimented with proxy sugared promises (it 
was long time ago some few things might require updates): 

Irakli Gozalishvili
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France (

On Monday, 2011-09-05 at 23:37 , Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:

> On 03.09.2011 1:26, John J Barton wrote:
> > I'm pretty puzzled by this discussion and I'm guessing other folks 
> > might be puzzled as well. Since I understood node fibers as "thread 
> > for Node", the discussion I read is:
> > 
> >  /be: You can have threads!
> >  Mikeal: We don't want threads!
> > 
> > If I'm on the right track, then I should understand how this relates 
> > to proxies. But I don't. Any hints?
> Don't be worry :) the topic is a little bit changed. Initially it was 
> asked how to provide asynchronous property readings (proxy's `get` trap, 
> or a simple accessor's get which call some deferred action) in the 
> syncronious view. And consuming generators (being a technique of 
> implementation of cooperative processes) allow to do this, since can 
> suspend a process and resume it from the next line, i.e. representing 
> asynchronous in syncronious view.
> But, that's said, even more elegant of such a technique would be either 
> syntactic transformation at compilation level, or creation of implicit 
> task-wrapper with a sugar for `yield` in this case. Regarding not using 
> `yield` for improving asynchronous programming -- I also didn't 
> understand the reasons. Because currently programming in Erlang (which 
> have the same "green thread" which are managed by an _implicit_ 
> scheduler) I can say that Node.js's spagetty-code with nested callbacks 
> just, sorry, sucks in comparison with Erlang's which is also 
> asynchronous, but allows to write it all in the synchronous manner. 
> Though, the topic is not about Erlang...
> Dmitry.
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