On Sep 2, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

>> Ok, my b.s. detector is going off. You used "actors" in the first para about 
>> Node, but Node is JS and JS (or Mikeal's favorite subset used in Node 
>> built-in and approved libraries) is not an Actor language.
> My ability to dictate style in core is close to zero, if I could we wouldn't 
> be running jslint in strict Crockie mode on every checkin.
> The only person who can dictate anything in node is Ryan, I just happen to 
> agree with his decisions and priorities on using new language features.

Sorry, my parenthetical aside was naming you on account of this tweet:


I kid (mostly; also Ryan is BDFL). But back to the main topic: proxies don't 
affect JS's execution model.

Proxies do affect whether you can reason about objects by assuming no JS code 
runs in a meta-level trap backstage of an on-stage base-level semantic 
operation such as o.p or 'p' in o. Getters and setters already crossed a bridge 
or two here, but proxies up the ante. Again this has nothing to do with 
execution model, preemption, data races.

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