Le 05/10/2011 10:33, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
Since you're assuming you can initialize and grab stuff before your context is corrupted, what's wrong with Lasse's earlier (and very clever!)

    var call = Function.prototype.call.bind(Function.prototype.call);

and by direct analogy:

    var apply = Function.prototype.call.bind(Function.prototype.apply);
    var bind = Function.prototype.call.bind(Function.prototype.bind);

Nothing's wrong. I forgot about this, sorry. It is indeed very clever.
I take back what I said about the necessity of a syntax construct for bind.


If there's a vulnerability with this technique, I need to know that asap, as I'm about to start writing code that depends on it for security. So any vulnerabilities you or anyone can point out now will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:24 AM, David Bruant <david.bru...@labri.fr <mailto:david.bru...@labri.fr>> wrote:

    Le 05/10/2011 10:17, Lasse Reichstein a écrit :
    On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:19 PM, David Bruant
    <david.bru...@labri.fr <mailto:david.bru...@labri.fr>> wrote:

        I sent a message here explaining the necessity of a syntax
        construct for a reliable bind [1]. There is a need to
        investingate (one reply was very close from a solution) to
        make sure that such a thing is not possible in pure ES5
        (without making Function.prototype.bind non-configurable),
        but that would be one such thing that no language compiling
        to JavaScript could emulate (since impossible in the language

    I don't think "security" from malicious changes to
    Function.prototype.bind is a good argument for adding new
    operator syntax.

    The problem doesn't stop with Function.prototype.bind. ES5 as a
    compilation target is built on a quagmire since almost all
    fundamental language operations are methods that can be changed.
    The operators are the exception, since you can't override their
    meaning[1], and I can see why you wish to introduce
    modification-safe operators for the operations you want to
    preserve - but why is Function.prototype.bind more important
    than, say, Math.pow?
    The difference I saw is that you can keep a reference to Math.pow
    within a scope of yours and you'll be fine. Such a thing doesn't
    seem possible with call, apply and bind, mostly because you need
    to rely on at least one of them in order to do call.call or
    call.bind, etc. and consequently, you always depend on the value
    on Function.prototype.* in a way or another.

    As i said before, there is a reliable way to do a call which is
    f(), but you can't choose the value of |this|. That's what
    originally motivated the idea of a syntax-based bind.

    I don't think that the other functions require such a thing.


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