> Personally I'd ask whether there is a good reason to have "class" properties 
> on the constructor.

I’m not too fond of them, either. Many current use cases go away with modules. 
However, sometimes, you want to define class-specific constants such as 

> Also you could just re-order the assignment like so :
>    const className = superClass <| function(/*constructor parameters */) {
>        //constructor body
>        super.constructor(/*arguments to super constructor */);
>        this.{
>         //per instance property definitions
>        };
>    }.{
>        //class (ie, constructor) properties
>    }.prototype.{
>        //instance properties defined on prototype
>    };

Won’t work: The value of className will be the prototype, not the function:
    x.prototype.{ ... }
returns the value of x.prototype after the update.

It might be possible to introduce an operator that returns the value of x after 
an update. For example (note the missing dot):
    x.prototype{ ... }

Then the above becomes:

   const className = superClass <| function(/*constructor parameters */) {
       //constructor body
       super.constructor(/*arguments to super constructor */);
        //per instance property definitions
       //class (ie, constructor) properties
   }.prototype{ // no dot after "prototype"
       //instance properties defined on prototype

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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