On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:
> I guess
> every JS dev is puzzled by .prototype already.
> Compared to a class
> language, it seems like a hack. Do we really need it?
> I can't tell if this is sarcasm... Ive long held that prototypes are the
> next evolutionary step up from classes - developers need to evolve now as
> well. Perhaps I've misunderstood your meaning?
> I agree with the prototype property of functions being a bit odd.

 ".prototype" (dot prototype) confuses developers. It's way beyond odd.

> I don’t
> agree with prototypes being difficult to understand, I find them very
> elegant (but that doesn’t seem to be what he is saying). I certainly don’t
> agree that class(-based) languages are easier to understand. It’s the
> opposite: Always having to create a class to create an object is opposed to
> how humans think: You don’t start with the abstract, you start with the
> specific. Self has demonstrated very well that prototype-based inheritance
> can be very intuitive.

In the abstract I would agree, but, in our world, every college
sophomore CS student learns a class based language and, in our world,
prototypical inheritance in JS uses a bizarre pattern of expression.
ES should work make this bizarre pattern unnecessary so prototypical
inheritance can shine. Using ".prototype" in new patterns heads in the
wrong direction: that is the comment I was making on Allen's proposal.

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