On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com>wrote:

> On Oct 29, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
> Personally I'd ask whether there is a good reason to have "class"
> properties on the constructor.
> I’m not too fond of them, either. Many current use cases go away with
> modules. However, sometimes, you want to define class-specific constants
> such as Point.ZERO.
> "class methods" are often used for purposes such as defining secondary
> factory methods or performing management functions spanning all instances
> of the class.
> It's true that dynamic prototype languages such as self seem to get by
> fine with only instance methods but they do this by placing behaviors that
> are not specific to single instances (constant access, factories, etc) on
> the instances. Class based languages with first-class classes have
> somewhere else to place such non-instance specific behavior, as methods of
> the class object.  In particular, since "first-class" classes means that
> classes themselves manifest as objects, they inherently may have methods.
> As a prototype inheritance language JavaScript could have followed
> self-style conventions, but it didn't.  In trying to be "Java-like" its
> core library was organized in a more class like manner including the use of
> "class methods".
> In all languages I have observed, the class methods are used sparingly.  A
> typical class with have one constructor, perhaps several dozen instance
> methods, and only one or two class methods (many classes have none).
> Since there are so many fewer class methods than instance methods, it seems
> acceptable for it to be slightly less convenient to define them then it is
> to define instance methods.

This conversation seems to have topically converged with the other
class-related discussion. (
https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-October/017680.html )

More pointedly, relevant, real-world support for what Allen is describing
can be found here:



> Allen
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