On 30/10/2011, at 23:36, Brendan Eich wrote:
> On Oct 30, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> The object exemplar approach is just like self or selfish, except that it 
>> builds upon features that are already in JS.  Specifically, it uses the new 
>> operator instead of a new method and it names the initialization method 
>> "constructor" in order to tie into the object construction mechanisms that 
>> already exist in JS. 
> +1
> The only thing I find off the mark is the typography of <|. In light of this, 
> and of the anti-grawlix reaction among many people, could we revisit an infix 
> operator used in restricted productions with [no LineTerminator here] on the 
> left of the operator contextual keyword?
> Likely keywords include 'proto' (but 'protos' seems better English given the 
> LHS being the prototype object), or my current best shot: 'beget'.
>        let obj = base beget {a: 1, b: 2}
>        let arr = base beget [p, q, r]
>        let fun = base beget function (...args) { ... }
>        let re  = base beget /(\w+)\s+(\w)+/g
> It's still idiomatic as a name for differential inheritance, but it is more 
> pithy than 'make' or 'create' (and one character shorter than 'create' -- no 
> Unix 'creat' reruns! ;-). Comments?
> Saying or writing "triangle" does not convey meaning, and it's confusing in 
> geometry/graphics contexts.

Perhaps a long arrow may work ?

let object= base <== {a: 1, b: 2};
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