On Oct 30, 2011, at 11:20 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

>> I landed on 'beget' because 'create' is close but vague yet poisoned, and we 
>> need something pithy.
> Also, 'beget' does match the "sire" or "hatch" connotation of taking a parent 
> (Self again) object and differentialy inheriting another object from it via 
> proto-linking. Clone means make a twin and mutate. Copy is, well, just a copy 
> -- arguably close to clone and one char shorter (so Self chose well). What we 
> have with <| is more like "generate a child" -- hence, 'beget'.

I've (very) briefly considered "sires" as it has the right connotation.

some others (probably all too long for Brendan's tastes):

"provides" (properties for)

"spawn"  (bad concurrency connotations)
"parent"  (bad DOM connotations)

Not accurately descriptive but close enough that they have some of the right 

Note that for many non-native English speakers probably don't have many of 
these words (including beget) in their vocabularies. For them, a symbolic token 
such as <| or <: is probably just as meaningful.

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