On 17.11.2011 16:04, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
Once again, it's absolutely the same approach which I showed yesterday with using `extends' (https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-November/018478.html).

The *only* thing new about David’s proposal (and intentionally so) is that the symbol `with` is being reused. So there shouldn’t be any surprise that it looks like many things that we have seen already.

I'd accept it if it hadn't old semantics. Moreover, it's used in some languages (in e.g. hypothetical lang from "Essentials of computer programs" book, IIRC).

I'd better reuse it for mixins while inheriting as shown in previous letter.

“Once again” also sounds impolite, but maybe that’s just me.

I polite with everyone, though I don't need permissions to ask question. If you have found something rough in my "tone", you may always ignore it. And "once again", -- because it's really "once again", since I wrote about in the previous letter ;)

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