On Jan 8, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Jan 8, 2012, at 8:28 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
> ...
>> The other change I hope fits into the same bucket is 
>> <http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:fixing_override_mistake>. 
>> Right now, because of pressure from test262, we are in danger of having all 
>> browsers conform to this mistake, at which point it may be too late to fix 
>> it. Today, the diversity of actual browser behaviors means it is still 
>> possible to fix this mistake, much as the diversity of ways ES3 
>> implementations were broken made it possible for ES5 to fix many mistakes.
> The [[CanPut]] check goes back to ES1, though. Recent-ish deviations in JSC 
> and (because V8 was drafting off JSC) V8 don't nullify all that history.
> On the other hand, JSC and V8 are doing fine AFAIK. It's hard to make a 
> real-world case where this matters, even with Object.create. And I see the 
> ocap (not just SES) appeal of the fix.

Just to be even clearer.  This was not a mistake in ES5/5.1 and it is not a 
bug.  It is a semantics, which as Brendan points out goes all the way back to 
ES1.  It is also a behavior which makes complete sense from a prototypal 
inheritance perspective and can be found in the Self language. 

The basic idea is that the properties prototype object are shared parts of all 
of inheriting child object.  Modifying such a shared part by a child, 
introduces a local change that is visible to that child (and its children) so 
this requires creation of a "own" property on the child. However, read-only 
properties can not modified (by normal means, eg assignment) so there is no 
need to create a "own" copy.  Assigning to an inherited read-only property or a 
"own" read-only property should have the same affect (whether it is ignoring 
the assignment, throwing, etc.).  Allowing assignment to an inherited read-only 
property would break the invariant that that a prototype's readonly property is 
an immutable value that is  shared among all children of the prototype.

If there was a mistake in designing ES5, it was allowing 
Object.defineOwnProperty to create child properties that over-ride inherited 
read-only data properties.  This broke an invariant that previously existed in 
the language but this invariant  was already violated by some pre-ES5 clause 15 
objects, (eg the writability of the prototype property of some children of 
Function.prototype).  However, I think the ES5 decision was probably the right 
one given the legacy clause 15 usages and the overall reflective nature of 


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