On 5 January 2012 20:10, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 6:31 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> Sorry, I still think that a growing set of subtle implicit rules for
>> activating subtle semantic changes
> Not changes, new semantics for new syntax.

I was referring to strict vs classic mode. The way I understood the
discussion so far, certain syntax would implicitly opt into extended
mode, and thereby also into strict mode -- locally, and from classic.
That implies semantic changes for existing features.

[The discussion seems to have changed direction again with Allen's
"state machine" idea. That probably makes some of my comments
obsolete. Sorry for lagging behind.]

>> on a fine-grained level is far more
>> confusing (and error-prone!) than helpful. In all sorts of ways.
> Our experience was that adding new features to the default version where 
> there was no backward incompatibility was not confusing. We've been doing 
> this since 2006. Not to say all the particulars are right, or that we 
> anticipated all the combinations of ES5-strict and Harmony, of course! But I 
> think you protest too much without evidence.

Yes, but these didn't imply semantic changes to existing features,
like with implicit strict mode opt-in.

>> I'm also concerned about the 3 and a half language modes that might
>> result. With Dave's original proposal at least, the only opt-in was on
>> module level.
> Dave mentioned generators, IIRC. We were thinking of classes too (talked 
> about it privately).
>> That precluded a number of highly undesirable
>> combinations, e.g. extended mode nested into a "with" statement.
> You can "use strict"; in a with statement's body block. But see below, I 
> agree the opt in has to be "chunky", and is in the (not perfectly clear, 
> complete, etc.) proposal for "ES6 doesn't need [version] opt-in".

We had been discussing opting in a function if it's using
destructuring on its parameters, for example. I would count that as a
case that is not "chunky" enough, because it can be local to "evil"
classic features and e.g. screw up lexical scoping. Likewise
generators. I really think we should avoid these cases.

[Now the idea seems to be that any ES6 feature would always opt-in the
whole program. A like that much better, but it is not what Dave
originally proposed, and what we had been discussing before, as far as
I can tell.]

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