> If I understand your suggestion, you're proposing that non-local break and 
> continue should be exposed as standard exceptions, and then implementors of 
> loop-like abstractions could choose to catch them.
> ...
> Did I understand your suggestion correctly?

Yes. I was thinking about the BGGA closure proposal that Allen also linked to: 

> This *may* not violate TCP (I'm not quite sure), but I'm not enthusiastic 
> about the idea. The semantics is significantly more complicated, and it 
> requires you to understand whether a higher-order function like forEach is 
> catching these exceptions or not. So it becomes an additional part of the API 
> of a function. If someone doesn't document what they do with BreakException 
> and ContinueException, then writing callbacks you won't actually be able to 
> predict what `break` and `continue` will do.

I don’t think it’s a must-have, but whenever you catch exceptions, you have 
similar issues.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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