I saw a reference to it being modified to take an array(-like?) as a parameter. 
 While I can see an argument in favour of a single array argument I can also 
see using a set of parameters that initially populate the set.  We just 
shouldn't allow both (and introduce another version of the horror that is the 
Array constructor).

With the existence of the spread operator I think that there's a good argument 
in favour of the multiple parameters approach.


On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:

> In the proposal, the Set constructor takes no arguments.
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:simple_maps_and_sets
> Could it take a list of initial elements to be included in the set?
> var s = new Set('alpha', 'beta');
> s.has('alpha'); // true
> I think this is a lot better than the verbosity that is
> var s = new Set();
> s.add('alpha');
> s.add('beta');
> Peter
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