> One argument for the "wrong direction" being wrong: if A <: B is common math 
> syntax for A is a subtype of B, if you turn the arrow around it'd read A is a 
> supertype of B, and this is fairly close to what <| was trying to express.

Right! Thus: If the symbol looks like an arrow then it should point from right 
to left:

     A <| { }
     A <~ { }

If it is loosely reminiscent of subset or superset then it should be “is 
superset of”.

     A :> { }

One might also be able to reuse the `super` keyword from super references:

     A super { }

The we might need new terminology such as "is super-object of”.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
blog: 2ality.com

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