On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:20 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Mar 2, 2012, at 4:31 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:
> >>> What do you think? Do you like -> better than <| ?  Is it ok to not
> have it available for some possible future function shorthand?
> >
> > Both => and -> have strong associations with function shorthands from
> C#, Scala, C++,  Java 8, Perl, CoffeeScript, ML, Haskell and more.
> This argument seems to over-reach. C and C++ use -> for pointer
> indirection. Perl uses -> for method calls.

This is precisely why it can't really be overloaded any further.

> > Whether or not JavaScript adopts a ->/=> shorthand in the future (I
> still think it should), many developers will think of it as having an
> association with functions.
> I don't know. If we want to use it for function shorthand, that's one
> thing. But every language defines its own syntax. And arrows are a very
> generic notation in CS, used for many, many more things than functions.
> > Using -> for the proto-of operator effectively also removes the ability
> to use => as function shorthand later, due to the syntactic similarity of
> these two operators.
> This is definitely true. We have only got so much grawlix space left in
> the universe to use.

Does it *have* to be ascii? The growlix space of unicode is vast:

Reaching into the depths of unicode was roundly panned during the function
shorthand debates but Allen's reach for ◁ is compelling -- is it really so
bad to just go all in for it?

FWIW I personally think <| is just fine :)

> Meanwhile, JavaScript has functions, and JavaScript has prototypes. We're
> going to have to make some decisions.
> Dave
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