On Mar 4, 2012, at 9:18 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

> P.P.S.: I don't know what 'beget' means (I know I can find it, just to 
> illustrate it's not a commonly known word).

I've had a concern about the possible impact of keyword choice on non-native 
English speakers who are trying to learn or use the language. Presumably, that 
is (or will be) the majority of ES developers.

Being a native English speaker, I don't have any direct experience with this 
(for ES ior other PLs).  But we do have non-native speakers on this list and 
specific feed back from them would be interesting. However, I suspect that the 
non-native English followers of this list are probably, on average, much more 
fluent than the average non-natiive English web/Es developer.

If you don't know the word, is it easier to learn a new symbol (eg <|) or a new 
keyword (eg beget)?  Long term, does it make any cognitive difference?


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