On Mar 21, 2012, at 3:28 PM, David Herman wrote:

> * importing with renaming:
>    import { draw: drawGun }    from "cowboy.js",
>           { draw: drawWidget } from "widgets.js";

Hey Dave,

This all looks really nice! - the only thing that threw me was the export 
rename – I intuitively expect the think on the left of the colon to be the new 
name, not the old one.  I guess my expectation comes from existing JS:  :-)

var oldName = 42;
var o = { newName: oldName };

The contextual 'as' looks nice to me for module renames, and would make the 
direction of the renaming clear - was this been considered for the exports too?

import { draw as drawGun } from "cowboy.js",
    { draw as drawWidget } from "widgets.js";

Also, are the braces necessary to parse this?  Perhaps they could be omitted?

import draw as drawGun from "cowboy.js";

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