On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 08:26 , Brendan Eich wrote:

> We've supported destructuring for years and no one has asked for this. I 
> say YAGNI and when in doubt, leave it out. One can always write two 
> destructuring declarations without much repetition:
> let {b} = obj;
> let {x,y} = b;
> but of course one would just write
> let {x, y} = obj.b;
> in that contrived case.
> Main thing is, not having as-patterns is not a big deal based on 
> experience with JS1.7+ since 2006 in Mozilla code.

To be honest I've being running into cases where I wished I could match both 
parent and children in some way.  Also, I think that Herby's version is better 
in fact I had to learn that it's illegal. Unless it's too much of a deal I'd 
also like following to work:

let { a, b, b: { x, y } } = object;
> /be
> Claus Reinke wrote:
> > Looking through the destructuring proposal
> > 
> > http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:destructuring
> > 
> > there seems to be no mention of 'as' patterns. In typical pattern
> > matching constructs (SML, Haskell, ..), 'as' patterns allow to name a 
> > sub-object while continuing the match for its sub-structures.
> > For instance, with
> > var obj = { a: 0, b: { x: 1, y: 2} };
> > 
> > something like
> > 
> > let { b: b as {x,y} } = obj
> > 
> > would result in the bindings of b to obj.b, x to obj.b.x, y to obj.b.y.
> > 
> > This avoids needless repetition when both a subobject and its
> > components need to be extracted. Without 'as', each such case
> > leads to a separate destructuring assignment
> > 
> > let { b } = obj
> > let { b: {x,y} } = obj
> > 
> > Shouldn't 'as' patterns be included in destructuring? Or have I
> > missed an equivalent feature?
> > 
> > Claus
> > 
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