On Apr 18, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> False alarm! Actually the above isn't correct.  The current spec draft 
>> actually does allow
>>   let {b,b:{x,y}};
> Nice -- is this sufficient to avoid 'as'?
> For array patterns we would need to allow property assignments in array 
> literals:
>  let [b, 0:{x,y}];
> This was proposed at one point, IIRC, but a while ago.

It was also suggested that we allow iterators/generators to supply the  
initialization values to array destructurings.  This currently isn't in the 
draft spec. and I think it would introduce some fairly significant 
specification and practical complications (eg, rest bindings and open-ended 

However, the reason I bring it up it that if we ever do want to add that sort 
of generative initialization value feature, it would seem to have significant 
interactions with the explicit array property designator feature shown above.  
The most future proof thing for right now would be to do neither.


> /be

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