
Le 11/06/2012 12:30, Hemanth H.M a écrit :
[].forEach.call(NodeList,function(elm) {}) why that? Why not treat it like an [] ?
I've written a section on MDN specifically a while ago to answer that very question: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/NodeList#Why_can%27t_I_use_forEach_or_map_on_a_NodeList.3F

Regardless, that's not in ECMAScript's scope. ECMAScript is about the language (syntax, semantics, etc.), while NodeList are part of the DOM which can be considered as an ECMAScript library. However, of course, browsers all ship this "library" by default. It is however not present in server-side environments like Node.js. A longer time ago, I wrote another page to describe what "JavaScript" mean, because it has become an umbrella term to talk about a lot of different technologies: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript_technologies_overview

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