Le 19/06/2012 14:11, Alex Russell a écrit :
On Jun 11, 2012, at 11:46 AM, David Bruant wrote:


Le 11/06/2012 12:30, Hemanth H.M a écrit :
[].forEach.call(NodeList,function(elm) {}) why that? Why not treat it like an 
[] ?
I've written a section on MDN specifically a while ago to answer that very 

Regardless, that's not in ECMAScript's scope. ECMAScript is about the language (syntax, 
semantics, etc.), while NodeList are part of the DOM which can be considered as an 
ECMAScript library. However, of course, browsers all ship this "library" by 
default. It is however not present in server-side environments like Node.js.
A longer time ago, I wrote another page to describe what "JavaScript" mean, 
because it has become an umbrella term to talk about a lot of different technologies: 
Be that as it may, the intent of the new elem.find() API
Where is this API defined (or being discussed)? I don't recall anything about that in ECMAScript proposals/strawmen and I can't find it in the latest DOM4 draft.

is to give us a chance to fix this (among other) errors in DOM's design. Yes, 
it's up to DOM to fix it, but we need ES to adopt things like Allen's Object 
Model Reformation to help enable it:

I guess knowing what the elem.find() API is will help me understand this part better, because I'm not sure I see the link between the object model reformulation and fixing the DOM API. Can you elaborate further on that? (if this discussion already happened somewhere else, a link to that discussion will be enough, of course)

Meanwhile, when you say "us" or "we", who are you referring to? The "es-discuss" folks, TC39, the DOM APIs folks, web devs interested in standards, another group?

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