On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:19 AM, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * change the behavior of WindowProxy instances when it comes to doing things
> that would commit them to eternal invariants to throw instead of forwarding.
> This solution may still be possible, because it's unlikely that
> Object.defineProperty is widely used in web content today. But this change
> should happen pretty fast before content relies on it.

I think this is the only viable solution. The current behavior
violates ES5 in an unintended way[1]. As you say, to remain viable, it
must be done quickly. From previous experience, I suggest that there's
exactly one way to get quick universal deployment: add a test to
test262 that fails when a browser's WindowProxy object violates this
normative part of the ES5 spec.

[1]  The Window vs WindowProxy hack in html5 also violates ES5 in an
intended but unrelated way. That violation cannot be fixed, but does
not bear on this one.

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