On 17/03/2013, at 10:43, Claus Reinke wrote:

>> I understand, but it's still a limitation of arrow functions that they rely
>> on arguments.callee to self-reference. Relying on the defined name
>> they're assigned to suffers from the "can be redefined" problem. NFE's
>> don't suffer this problem and can completely avoid `arguments` in ES6
>> for all use cases Arrow functions, currently, cannot.
> Neither arguments.callee (not available in strict) nor let (clumsy to
> use in expressions) are needed for self-reference
>   var rec = (f) => f((...args)=>rec(f)(...args));
>   var f = (self)=>(n)=> n>1 ? n*self(n-1) : n;
>   [1,2,3,4,5,6].map((n)=>rec(f)(n));

God, my eyes, they're bleeding!

Sorry arrow functions but this isn't a better JS.
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