Looks like a very clean solution. The only thing I’m not entirely convinced 
about is Object.setPrototypeOf()...

... given how one is normally discouraged from using such functionality 
(=__proto__ as a setter) and
... given that the most frequent use case goes away in ES6 (thanks to it 
allowing one to subclass built-ins).

Hence, honest question: Does it make sense to expose a new API for something 
that is mainly used for hacks? If you really needed it, you could retrieve it 
like this:

const mySetPrototypeOf = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, 
// mySetPrototypeOf.call(obj, aProto);
// Alternatively: mySetPrototypeOf = Function.prototype.call.bind(...)

On May 7, 2013, at 22:57 , Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:

> So here is the plan that I'll review at the next TC39 meeting:
> 1) Add Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto)
> A obj must be extensible in order to change its [[Prototype]]. There are no 
> realm restrictions.  It's just like all the other Object.* methods in 
> operating on any object, independent of realm association.  
> 2) Object.prototype.__proto__ is moved back to Annex B. It is defined as an 
> accessor property with attributes {enumerable: true, configurable: true}.  
> The get and set functions are defined equivalently to Object.setPrototypeOf 
> and Object.getPrototypeOf.  No realm restrictions.  No reflection 
> restrictions. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype) includes 
> "__proto__".
> 3) __proto__ as a property key in an object literal (but not a class 
> definition) is syntax with special semantics of setting the literal object's 
> [[Prototype]] when it is created.  It is a clause 11 feature and is not tied 
> to the presence of  Object.prototyype.__proto__. 
> 4) Both Object.setPrototypeOf and Object.prototype.__proto__ are defined in 
> terms of the [[SetInheritance]]/[[GetInhertiance]] MOP operations (the names 
> can still change).  There are  corresponding Proxy traps.  There are no 
> exceptional restrictions placed on the handlers.  Just the normal invariants. 
> In particular, if the target is non-extensible then the [[SetInheritaqnce]] 
> Proxy handler can't change the observable [[GetInhertance]] result for the 
> proxy object.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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