On Jun 23, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> See http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:array_fill_and_move for 
>> a strawman proposal for two new Array methods. These are proposed for 
>> inclusion in ES6.
> I updated the wiki:
> Discussion
> Q: Does anyone know of a rationale for why (start, end) might be a better 
> design pattern than (start, count) for such operation?
> A: Array.prototype.slice uses (start, end) where end is a fencepost to 
> facilitate looping over half-open ranges within a larger range. Spec’ing 
> count requires subtracting next_start - end, gratuitously. Also, consistency 
> with slice and range APIs matters. This should be considered carefully in the 
> design.

Yes, both start,end (slice) and start,count  (splice) currently appears in 
Array methods so it isn't obvious which precedent to follow for best 
consistency. I could go either way.  It would be nice to have a 
utilitarian-based argument for one or the other.  Search result was it because 
of the -1. 


> — /Brendan Eich 
> <mailto:%26%23x62%3B%26%23x72%3B%26%23x65%3B%26%23x6e%3B%26%23x64%3B%26%23x61%3B%26%23x6e%3B%26%23x40%3B%26%23x6d%3B%26%23x6f%3B%26%23x7a%3B%26%23x69%3B%26%23x6c%3B%26%23x6c%3B%26%23x61%3B%26%23x2e%3B%26%23x6f%3B%26%23x72%3B%26%23x67%3B>
>  2013/06/23 20:31/
> /be

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