On Sep 26, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Kevin Smith <zenpars...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - Enumerability?  Yawn...  Enumerability of user-created meta-level method 
> names is fine and should be expected, just as we expect enumerability of 
> "_"-prefixed method names today.

Whether you personally use it, for-in is a reality. Introspection of objects 
happens, so if you ship a library that's putting meta-level properties into 
objects it needs to make them non-enumerable to be robust in the face of client 
code that uses for-in but isn't prepared to understand the meta properties.

> - Duck typing *must* work across Realms.  Symbols without a registry do not.  
> You can make special cases for built-in symbols, but special cases make bad 
> law.

Symbols are absolutely future-proof for a registry. If we don't solve all use 
cases today, we keep working to improve the language and address more use 
cases. Someone I know recently made the point that the perfect is the enemy of 
the good...

> - If you are going to use a symbol registry, then you really need to prove 
> how that is any better than just using the registry key itself.

Between Yehuda and me I count 7 times that we've addressed this point in this 


> - Is getting a symbol with (1) a GUID and (2) a friendly name, then (3) 
> toting that object around really more ergonomic than just using a string 
> literal?

Once again, read the above links. You aren't distinguishing between the 
ergonomics of the *provider* of a symbol and the *consumer* of a symbol, and 
it's the latter case that matters. The ergonomics are better for the consumer 
of a symbol than that of an obfuscated string, especially when working with 
developer tools or code that manipulates the key and ends up surfacing the 
obfuscated string.

> - Perfect (collision avoidance) is the enemy of the good (collision 
> avoidance).

Being more likely to break isn't actually a *virtue* so I don't think there's 
really anything to respond to here.

> - Symbols are surprisingly tricky at the spec level.  (new Symbol() throws, 
> what?)

Come on now. Auto-wrapping of primitives for method calls is a well-understood 
part of JS, but the wrapped objects themselves are not particularly useful and 
can be an attractive nuisance.

And here I want to second Yehuda's point: we're talking about a different kind 
of concept than strings, so it deserves a different language feature. Excessive 
language parsimony just results in more complexity for the programmer. We've 
seen this movie before: arrays are just objects, integers are just doubles, 
environment records are just objects...


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