On Sep 27, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2013, at 7:52 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
>> What's the use case for Symbol.keyFor?
> The use case was actually suggested in a response to dherman earlier in this 
> thread when he mentioned sharing symbols between workers.
> If you need to serialize an object with symbol keyed properties you need to 
> convert the symbol into sometime that can be equivalently recreated on the 
> other side of the serialization barrier.  For a registered Symbol the obvious 
> way to do this is via its registration name:
> Symbol.toJSON = function() {
>       let key = Symbol.keyFor(lthis);
>       if (key === undefined) return null;  //unregistered symbols can't be 
> serialized in this example
>       return "**Symbol:"+key;
> }
> The deserializer would have to do a pass over the resulting objects 
> replace=ing "**Symbol:..." property names with the locally register Symbol 
> under the same key.

Oh, I think I finally understand what you're getting at, and how it avoids any 
shared state. Let me summarize, and forgive me for just repeating what you've 
already said:

- don't share symbols between workers
- registries are per-worker (in which case there's absolutely nothing needed 
from the language mechanism-wise, except to establish conventions)
- use some custom encoding for representing symbolic property names as string 
names that contain their registry key

Then workers can coordinate without needing to do any special handshaking or 
up-front message-passing, they just register names lazily as they encounter 
them in the marshalling/unmarshalling process.

AFAICT this constitutes a complete story for symbol registration that requires 
zero new mechanisms in the language (beyond symbols, of course).


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