Correct me if I'm wrong David but module import/exports are not
dynamic which allows tooling/IDEs to be more intelligent and
programmers to easily understand what dependencies a module

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 8:30 AM, David Herman <> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2013, at 3:32 AM, John Barton <> wrote:
>> Could someone help me understand why two goals for parsing JS is a good 
>> thing?
> Hm, it sounds like you've assumed a conclusion already. Let me try to explain 
> anyway.
> Scripts are for synchronous loading and evaluation; modules are for 
> asynchronous loading and evaluation. The former is not allowed to import, 
> which triggers I/O. The latter is allowed to import. There was always going 
> to have to be a syntactic split.
> But there's more. I'll be explaining at this week's TC39 meeting some more 
> details about the intended model for browser integration. In short, 
> declarative code based on modules will use the <module> tag (or <script 
> type="module">, which will mean the same thing and allows polyfilling today). 
> This is better than <script async>, which was a hopeless idea. This also 
> works beautifully for fulfilling the promise of 1JS: a new, better initial 
> environment in which to run top-level application code without requiring 
> versioning.
>     <module>
>       var x = 12;             // local to this module, not exported on global 
> object
>       import $ from "jquery"; // asynchronous dependency, NBD
>       '$' in this             // nope, because all globals are scoped to this 
> module
>       let y = 13;             // yep, let works great because modules are 
> strict
>     </module>
> Same number of characters as <script>, better semantics, better global 
> environment, better language.
> If you're not excited about ES6 yet, get excited. :)
> Dave
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