Also, if module were a reserved word and not already used by node.js as an
identifier I MIGHT feel differently.

- Matthew Robb

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Matthew Robb <> wrote:

> Because that assumes everyone needs it all the time. The nice thing about
> it being opt-in is that when it comes time to use it a person has to first
> learn the entry point and from then on be explicit about it. I prefer
> explicitness 99% of the time because it's easier to track down for new
> contributors to a code base etc.
> - Matthew Robb
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Kevin Smith <> wrote:
>> I guess it just seems odd to me that we HAVE a system in place now for
>>> importing "stuff" into a Program with an author defined local identifier
>>> name and we're discussing magic like using this or module. Just make it
>>> another thing the author imports inside their own module? ``` import meta
>>> from "./@meta"; ``` or something in the ballpark. Let's use the system
>>> we're creating to our advantage.
>> That's true, but I don't understand why we can't just have (to use your
>> example):
>>     import module from "./@meta";
>> As an *implicit* import within each module.
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