> Axel, using `module` was the first proposal analyzed (3.1 from the gist). I 
> do like it a lot, but other in the meeting opposed to any sort of "automagic" 
> by wrapping the module execution into a function execution with the `module` 
> argument (a la nodejs),

Overloading `this` feels even more magic to me and is much less 
self-descriptive. Apart from the overloading problems (which are significant!), 
I don’t see that much of a difference between passing in a value for `this` and 
setting up a – descriptively named – module-scoped variable.

> and the fact that `this` is not really the module, it is an object that 
> contains, among other things, a reference to another object with the live 
> binding, a relative import, a relative get, etc.

Give it a different name, then. Call it `moduleDescriptor`, `moduleData`, etc.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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